
Sunday 5 July 2015

Sunday Skin Prep

I've mentioned many times here on my blog that I love a good at home spa session, most of the time it's about relaxing but today it's all about prepping my skin for the week ahead. I always do some kind of a face mask once or twice a week but today I've decided to go for two in a row as well as a good cleansing balm to get the glow back into my skin.

To start I'll use the Georgia Louise Cleanse + Heal Duo Balm, I take my time massaging it into a dry face for a good 5 to 10 minutes. Not something I have time to do everyday but when I do I really see a difference in my skin. When I'm done massaging I run a flannel under warm water, wring it out and remove the balm while gently buffing the skin to exfoliate it.

Next up is the Clark's Botanicals Intense Radiance Mask which is seriously good, it really deserves a full review here on the blog. It's clay based, so draws impurities out of the skin but still leaves it feeling soft and nourished. You do have to leave this one on for about half an hour but the results are seriously worth it. It's just so brightening. 

I then finish off with the Jurlique Rose Moisture Plus Moisturising Cream Mask, which smells lovely and gives my skin an intense hydration boost. I usually use it in place of a night cream and leave it on over night. Whenever I use it I wake up to plump and dewy looking skin, not a dehydration line in sight!

What are your favourite masks?

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  1. I try and do this once a week too, I love some pamper time, my favourite mask at the moment is the Sanctuary 5 minute clay mask, so good for my acne skin :)

    Pams Stuff and Things | Tarte Giveaway

  2. I haven't tried that one before! Does it leave skin feeling dry afterwards?


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